Welcome to Our Registry.
We know Registry. Our founder built the most iconic & infamous registry in the history of registries (hint: big blue coupon). He believes that if you offer a better selection of products at the lowest possible price, with the best customer service you can find, then you can have a better registry. So if you're registering or buying a gift for someone, you’ve come to the right place.

best customer service
on the planet.
This just means we’ll take care of you. Better than anyone can...or will. We have an overdeveloped sense of customer service and we are okay with that. Try us.

lowest possible
This is part of our service promise. It’s hard to monitor every single price out there. So we can promise you this - we will have the lowest possible price. If you find something to the contrary, bring it to our attention. We’ll do the right thing.

best return policy
you can find.
90 days. That’s what we say. But like we said, we’ll do the right thing. That’s as good, if not better, than any retailer’s registry return policy. Feel free to look. You’ll return. 🤪

better selection. hear us out.
To us, better selection doesn’t mean more. It means better. Sorry, we don’t have 1000 coffeemakers, we just have the better ones. Because that’s what we try to do best...bring you the better.